2024 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Communication (ICAIRC 2024)




Prof. Liansheng Wang

Xiamen University, China

Bio: Wang Liansheng is currently a professor at the School of Information at Xiamen University, a dual-appointed professor at the Department of Gastroenterology at the School of Medicine, a doctoral supervisor, the deputy director of the Digital Fujian Health and Medical Big Data Research Institute, and the deputy leader of the AI group of the Radiology Branch of the Fujian Medical Association, Vice Chairman of MICS. He has been engaged in medical image processing research for a long time. He has hosted and participated in a number of scientific research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China Instrument Project, the Ministry of Science and Technology’s Scientific and Technological Innovation 2030, the National Key R&D Project, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Youth Projects, etc. His publications include Nature Machine Intelligence , Nature Communications, Cell Patterns, TMI, MedIA, CVPR/AAAI and other related research papers, and won the Tencent Rhinoceros Research Award, CSPE Young Investigator, the second prize of the Fujian Province Science and Technology Progress Award, and the 2023 Xiamen University Field Award The first prize of the Zhaowu Interdisciplinary Award, and led the team to win the championship in international medical imaging competitions 11 times.

Prof. Nianyin Zeng

Xiamen University, China

Bio:Dr. Nianyin Zeng is currently a Professor with the Department of Instrumental and Electrical Engineering of Xiamen University. He received the B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering and automation in 2008 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2013, both from Fuzhou University. From October 2012 to March 2013, he was a RA in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Hong Kong. From September 2017 to August 2018, he was an ISEF Fellow founded by the Korea Foundation for Advance Studies and also a Visiting Professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).

His current research interests include intelligent data analysis, machine learning and computer vision, computational intelligent, system modeling and applications. He has published more than 80 research papers in referred journal and conferences as well as 13 patents. By Google Scholar, his publications have been cited by more than 7,000 times with H-Index 34.

Dr. Zeng is currently serving or has served as an Associate Editor for Neurocomputing Frontiers in Medical Technology, and Evolutionary Intelligence, an Editorial Board member for Computers in Biology and Medicine, Biomedical Engineering Online, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, and Journal of Image and Graphics, and also Guest Editors for Frontiers in Neuroscience and Frontiers in Medical Technology. He has also served as program committee members for a number of premier international conferences related to intelligent data analysis, including EAI ICMTEL, ACAIT, ICCSE, etc.

Dr. Zeng has received a number of prestigious awards, including High-Level Talent of Fujian Province, Key-Talent of Xiamen City, Nanqiang Young-Top-Talent of Xiamen University, three Provincial Natural Science Awards, Invention and Entrepreneurship Achievement Award by the China Invention Association, and Distinguished Reviewers of Computers in Biology and Medicine, Neurocomputing, and Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument.
